Best immigration consultant in Qatar

Albatross is your licensed representative for preparing your accurate and truthful profile showcasing your Merits strengthened by all legality to obtain your Permanent Residence Visa in all stages of its process.

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Canada Express Entry

The fastest immigration system of Canadian permanent residence is Express Entry, launched on January 1, 2015, the easiest and swift immigration with 80% of its application processed in 6 months or less compared to any existing immigration program.

It is a merit-based selection process with a Comprehensive Ranking System that Canadian Govt issues Invitation to Apply for those who are on top in the pool of selection. The Express Entry system gives priority to qualified applicants with the core factors considered Age, Education, Experience and proficiency in language.

However, all application will be screened and selected through IRPA (Immigration Refugee Protection Act) with strict verification and authenticity of application.

An applicant should pass through 4 stages before he/she applies for permanent residence through Express Entry.

Assess your eligibility to apply for this program

Verify your credentials and get all of them ready.

Create your profile to be accepted into the pool of candidates.

Finally, receive an invitation to apply for permanent residency.

Overall, Express Entry is an application management system of three immigration program under federal skilled worker category, i.e. Federal skilled worker program, Federal Skilled Trade Program, and the Canadian Experience Class immigration program.


Free online assessment

Albatross Immigration experts will assess your application.

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Fill up our online assessment form to evaluate your profile and our immigration experts will suggest you best programs

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We Will Call

After reviewing your profile that you have registered with us, we will contact you for the next personal meeting and advice

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Operation team will guide you with documentation submission process as per country’s policy & applicant base

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Enjoy Your Freedom

And you are all ready to apply. Professionals suggestions are proven 100% guaranteed for you apply now

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Benefits of immigration to Canada

Canada immigration benefits are enormous which attracts the most skillful applicants around the world. Federal Govt of Canada has always been at front to revise all the welfare policies of immigration. From time to time, Canadian immigration department has eased its criteria to invite maximum upskilled professionals in attraction with various benefits for their life settlements in Canada. Canadian Permanent residents can have all benefits as well as obligations as same as the citizen of Canada except a few.

Predominantly, a permanent resident visa holder and his family can stay, study and work in any one of the 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada. Moreover, they are entitled to get the most social benefits that a citizen of Canada receives, including:



Health care coverage

Apply for citizenship

Protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.

Contact Us Now

We are pleased to speak with you to discuss your qualifications and options under the various immigration programs and answer any questions or concerns you may have.